
A National, Full-Service Law Firm is seeking an attorney with securities expertise to join our Corporate Department. The ideal candidate will have at least 4+ years of substantial knowledge and experience with federal and state securities laws, with an emphasis on the reporting obligations and filings under the Securities Exchange of Act of 1934, including Form 10-Ks, Form 10-Qs, Form 8-Ks, Section 16 filings and proxy statements. Candidates should also have substantial experience with filings and issues arising under the Securities Act of 1933, including initial public offerings, secondary offerings and shelf registrations.

  • Significant experience drafting periodic reports under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and advising public companies on SEC reporting obligations
  • Experience with the SEC reporting obligations of directors, officers and shareholders
  • Experience advising public clients on corporate governance and stock exchange listing requirements
  • Outstanding writing, research, and analytical skills
  • Strong academic credentials
  • Ideal candidate will also be highly motivated to be part of an active corporate practice, demonstrate initiative, an ability to assume direct responsibility for client matters, as well as the interpersonal skills to work well as part of a collaborative team and directly with clients
  • Candidates should also be admitted and in good standing with the local state bar or eligible to waive in