
Top-rated, quality San Diego securities, finance and business litigation/transaction firm with national practice seeks experienced attorney to assume primary responsibility on complex litigation/arbitration cases. This position will lead the right candidate to partnership.

The successful candidate will have at least 5 years of quality experience in California state and federal court litigation/arbitration matters. Must possess excellent writing, research, and communication skills. We will train the right person in our areas of expertise, but knowledge of FINRA, financial services, labor law, and complex business transactions is a plus. Must be able to assume primary responsibility for all aspects of a case working under the supervision of a partner.

We have a sophisticated, national practice. We are a low volume, high quality firm and emphasize quality of work over quantity. Our clients include broker-dealers; registered investment advisers and advisory firms; hedge and private equity funds; investors and a wide range of national and international clients in various businesses. We have received national recognition and enjoy an excellent reputation. Our attorneys and staff are some of the finest professionals to work with and our firm is well run and managed.