
Du?es and Responsibili?es
The atorney selected for this posi?on will be responsible for providing legal counsel for several City Departments on transac?onal maters pertaining to public contrac?ng and specifically professional services agreements. The atorney will be expected to provide exper?se on all aspects of the City's public procurement and compe??ve bidding procedures, as well as all applicable Codes and laws governing City contracts. The atorney will also be responsible for providing support to team members on all elements of contrac?ng, which include: nego?a?ng, dra?ing, and execu?ng contractual agreements, applying the Standard Provisions for City Contracts to such agreements, enhancing the overall efficiency of the procurement and contrac?ng process, and addressing stakeholder contrac?ng concerns as they arise.

  • Licensed to prac?ce law in all courts in the State of California;
  • At least three years of transac?onal law experience;
  • Knowledge of public contrac?ng and compe??ve bidding processes (or similar experience in private sector contrac?ng that would enable the atorney to quickly adapt to the public sector);
  • Strong research and wri?ng skills in complex areas of law;
  • Demonstrated abili?es to exercise sound judgment;
  • Ability to work effec?vely with governmental agencies, public officials, departmental personnel, and members of the public; and
  • Ability to manage large projects, including major procurement ini?a?ves.

Desired Qualifica?ons
  • Knowledge of the City Charter and City Administra?ve Code provisions pertaining to contrac?ng;
  • Familiarity with professional service contracts for public en??es;
  • Experience in dra?ing legal advice and ordinances.